Cattleya (カトレア) - Profile
Birthday: 03/19
Blood type: A
Place of residence: Tokyo
Weakness: I don't have the investments for an UFO catcher.
What you can be a bit proud of: I'm proud to be an UFO catcher
What are you "capturing" lately? little green men goods collection
What do you do first when you come home? undress
Average sleeping length? 5 hours
A manner of speaking? …to!!
Your blog's update frequency? once in a while
What do you write about in your blog? irankoto
Which fetish? feet
Your motto? Do not have patience.
What do you collect? One Piece figures
Are you S? Are you M? A real M real S
Favourite food? ramen, meat, kaki-pi
Hated food? raw fish
Favourite sports? baseball
Favourite manga? Crayon Shin-chan
Favourite books? All works by Ishida Ira-san.
Favourite movies? Things which aren't scary.
Favourite TV programs? Things which aren't scary.
Favourite songs? I love everything.
Favourite game? Mario Cart
Favourite colour? black
Stiff Upper Lip
Drums: Yuki (幸) (until 2007/09/11)
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