Onmyou-za (陰陽座) - Profile

Kuroneko Vocals: Kuroneko (黒猫) (black cat) (LORELEI → Kuusou Kagaku Byounin ~Kami to Memo Kami~ (空想科学病人~紙とメモ紙~))

Birthday: 7/16
Height: 157cm
Weight: 41kg
Blood type: A
Star sign: cancer

Kuroneko no Nekomanma Tsuushin


Maneki Guitar, chorus: Maneki (招鬼)

Birthday: 2/24
Height: 160cm
Weight: 50kg
Blood type: 0
Star sign: pisces

Kanji-wise "Maneki" means "demon summoner", concerning the reading a more literal translation would be "he who welcomes". In this context "Maneki" is derived from "maneki neko" (招き猫) (welcoming cat), a cat sculpture with an upright paw traditionally said to bring good luck to its owner and often displayed at the entrance of Japanese shops and the like.

Karukan Guitar: Karukan (狩姦)

Birthdate: 4/30
Height: 182cm
Weight: 67kg
Blood type: 0
Star sign: taurus

"Karukan" literally approximates "hunter of wickedness". When spoken it apparently resembles the name of a Japanese cat food brand. Interestingly, the kanji for "wickedness" is composed of the kanji for "woman" written three times, so there might be an underlying implication.

Matatabi Bass, vocals: Matatabi (瞬火) (ex-Kuusou Kagaku Byounin ~Kami to Memo Kami~ (空想科学病人~紙とメモ紙~))

Birthdate: 12/14
Height: 183cm
Weight: 59kg
Blood type: 0
Star sign: sagittarius

The kanji used to write "Matatabi" come close to the meaning of "flickering fire". The reading, however, is "valerian", a plant having an intoxicating effect on cats.

Matatabi no mattari Tsurezuregusa



Tomotaka IshikawaDrums: Ishikawa Tomotaka (石川和智)
(Hinageshi (雛罌粟) →  LA。MILKTEA. → Sledge Smith → Terrabreak → PuPi → HIGH-COMPRESSOR → Blade → DRAGON HEADS → Los Culture)

Birthdate: 1980/07/30
Birthplace: Iwate
Blood type: B
Favourite artists: Hasegawa Kouji (長谷川浩二), Lars Ulrich, Sakurai Atsushi (櫻井敦司)

Onmyou-za's live drummer in 2011.
Played support drums for RISK HEDGE, Mukai Yoshimitsu (ムカイ良充), Takahashi Naoko (高橋直子), Toyoshima Yukari (豊島由佳梨), Men's Shop Lingerie (メンズショップランジェリー), Bab-ilion, CHARI BARI, Kanno Yuusaku (神野優作), flagments, SEIKA, class, hekico and GAZER.

Official hompage

Makoto Dobashi Drums: Makoto Dobashi (土橋誠)

Birthdate: 1981/2/3
Birthplace: Saitama
Blood type: A
Height: 170cm
Shoe size: 27cm

Played on "Kishibojin" (鬼子母神), drums for Onmyou-za since 2012.
(Support) Drummer for Acid Black Cherry, BREAKERZ and DEEP SOUL.

Makoto no Makoto ~MAKOTO no official Blog~
(まことの誠 ~MAKOTOオフィシャルブログ~/Makoto no Makoto ~MAKOTO ofisharu borogu~)

Keyboard: Masahiro Abe (雅宏阿部)


ToraDrums: Tora (斗羅) → Atsushi Kawatsuka (河塚篤史) (spt.) (PLESURE → Hana*Hana (花*花) (spt.) → Ove (spt.) → Onmyou-za → NESS) (until 2009)

Birthdate: 10/5
Height: 165cm
Weight: 52kg
Blood type: 0
Star sign: virgo

Tora was an official member until 2009 when he "downgraded" to support drummer and then finally left with Tomotaka Ishikawa taking over. His stage name for Onmyou-za is for one part derived from his well-known liking of alcohol and the resulting heavy drinking (to/斗 is a measure for liquids). However, its reading also means "tiger" since Tora is a fan of the baseball team Hanshin Tigers.


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